
Here are all the projects I have/am contributing to or modding.
If you wish to view my formatting portfolio, please DM me on Twitter

Tempting Treasure is a NSFW, for-profit fanzine all about Bakugou Katsuki’s pirate adventures across the seven seas! The zine will focus on his journeys and treasure looting rampages as he strives to survive the rough waters and reach his ultimate goals.
[Head Mod & Formatting Mod]

This is a zine about Scaramouche from Genshin Impact. Specifics of whether we're allowing portrayals of romantic relationships, if the setting needs to be in Teyvat or if we're allowing AUs, etc. will be decided by the interest check.
[Graphics and Format Mod]

Big Three Zine wishes to explore the friendships and relationships between Nejire, Tamaki and Mirio and turn it into a celebration. The primarily SFW zine may include ships, as well as a NSFW digital add-on. Our Zine will focus on the Big Three as a friend group and will have the running theme of astrology. Since canonically, Miro and Tamaki constantly reference the sun and moon.
[Graphics and Format Mod]
[Creation Period]

Hell or High Water a NSFW Demon Themed Zine for the BNHA fandom.
Featuring all your favourite characters as demons and demonic creatures—or their willing victims, from different myths and legends.
[Format Mod]

The Gojou Dessert Book: Pour Some Sugar on Me is a fandom zine that will include fanart, fanfic, recipes and merch, surrounding the theme of sweet food and desserts, and Gojou Satoru.
[Chef Contributor]

Popsicle is a NSFW BkDkBk zine with anything and everything Sweet. From food play to bakery AUs, to cake sitting etc. it'll all be there. There will be SFW and NSFW sections within the physical zine, along with an add-on PDF available which will contain spicier ie. Problematic content. I am the format mod for this project.
[Format Mod]

Lavender Dreams is a fanzine exploring Shinsou Hitoshi's life after graduating UA. The zine will focus on memories and milestones throughout his adult life as he strives to achieve his dreams. I am the format mod for this project including the NSFW portion, Violet Fantasies.
[Format Mod]

A slutty Todoroki Shouto ship-centric zine. This zine will be digital and free and totally NSFW. I am the format and graphics mod for the zine and have taken on two interns (one for graphics, one for format) for the duration of the zine.
[Graphics & Format Mod]
Download Here

HUWUMOR is a BNHA Prank AU Zine. It will be released on April 1st 2021 as a free digital zine. It is a small group of contributors putting the zine together, sharing the responsibility of modding.
[Graphics and Formatting]
Download Here

This is a BNHA Soulmates Zine. It will be a physical SFW zine with a digital NSFW add-on along with merch.
[Format & General Mod]

Love & Rock N' Roll is an 18+ Bang centred around Kirishima Eijirou and Bakugou Katsuki from My Hero Academia and all within a Punk AU.
[Writing and Graphics Mod]

The Mind Blown ShinBaku Collection is a fan-created charity project centred around Shinsou Hitoshi and Bakugou Katsuki. The collection offers over 500 pages of exclusive, fan-made ShinBaku content. I was a writing contributor and was featured in the Dark Collection.
[Writer Contributor]

This was my own Shouto centric Zine. It is NSFW, for-profit and was produced in print and digital formats along with merch. This is my baby and I edited all works and formatted the zine itself. This project is now complete. Fics/Art will be posted from Nov 14th 2021.
[Head, Graphics & Format, and Shipping Mod]

I set this bang up with some other SK8 enthusiasts and I was the main Mod and organiser. I designed all the graphics and set up the server. This event ran from April to September with posting now complete. This was an 18+ SK8 the Infinity Multi-ship Bang and fandom event. It was dedicated to all the characters, ships and wonders of the SK8 the Infinity universe!
[Head & Organisation Mod]

Dark Domain is a set of two digital Zines—the Main NSFW Zine: Dark Domain and a separate Problematic Zine: Malevolent Shrine—both focusing on content for Jujutsu Kaisen. Shop now closed and works posted from Oct 31st 2021
[Format & Co-Graphics Mod]

A KiriDeku Digital Zine with a NSFW supplement. This is now finished and zines have been sent. I was brought on last minute as a pinch-hitting Format Mod. Created the layout design and some filler graphics for both of the PDFs.
[Format Mod (pinch)]

Was one of the writers for this. Eight writers, one story told over the week of Halloween. I made the graphics, promo videos and formatted the free zine.

I was a General Mod for the bang. My main job was to organise and keep track of people through spreadsheets and ensure contributor questions were answered. I was also a beta reader for this project. I also designed the Bang icon.